P.T.N. Special Cases

Over the years, we have cared for many dogs suffering from very serious health conditions, injuries, and severe disabilities. Some have recovered completely, some are still on their way to recovery, and some will never recover - because their particular health conditions are chronic, or because they were born with their disabilities. To all of them, however, even in those cases that seemed to be or proved to be desperate, we have done everything within our possibilities to provide a second chance. And we are always prepared to do just that, even when no one else will. Here are some of our special cases:

Angel is a 4 to 5 year old labrador mix, who was rescued by a veterinarian surgeon after having been runover and left to die on the verge of a highway. He was in a terrible state, with an open fracture on his right fore limb, severe spinal injury, and multiple wounds, including an extensive, infected one on his back - full of dirt and maggots. He was also severely dehidrated, and it really took all the doctor's determination, fueled by the dog's obvious youth and responsiveness, to talk his team, at the clinic, into not euthanizing Angel straight away. He was submitted to surgery, to repair his fractured limb, and nursed back to a stable condition - but the spinal injury had caused paraplegia, which only time and specialized care, provided on an extended and consistent basis, would determine whether or not it would be irreversible.

Angel, upon arrival at P.T.N. in August 2012 - being greeted by other members of the Pack
Angel's case then became the target of a massive wave of solidarity - and a group of very dedicated volunteers set out to find Angel a new home, since the clinic did not have the facilities or resources to provide the extended care he needed. P.T.N.  turned out to be the only sanctuary/rescue willing to take on this difficult case, so Angel traveled to Riba de Ave in August 2012.

(The video above shows Angel in September 2012, after a hydrotherapy session, at P.T.N.)
Angel with his custom-built locomotion aid
He has been recovering steadily, and some more recent tests have provided a very hopeful prognosis: neuronal activity and reflexes on the dog's back legs have been detected, so the reversibility of his paraplegia seems to be a very likely possibility. In the meantime, however, a full support locomotion aid was recommended - and thanks, once more, to Angel's many supporters, a custom-built one was delivered in December 2012. We are happy to report that Angel has been doing beautifully on his new weels!

Boneco's deformity is clearly visible in this picture

Boneco is a 10 year old mixed breed male. He has been a member of the P.T.N. Pack for several years, and was brought over by a lady who rescued him from the streets. Both his fore limbs are severely deformed, but Boneco, who is otherwise very healthy and strong, has learned to move around quite swiftly, and is one of the friendliest members of the Pack. He loves visitors, and rushes to greet them, in the hope of getting some goodies. He is also very friendly with all the other dogs, and very welcoming towards any newcomers.

Boneco relaxing after a romp around the grounds

(To be continued - more special cases soon!)
The only thing he dislikes is to be confined, and, since he is so well-behaved, he spends most of the day outdoors, exploring the grounds with other members of the Pack. Although nobody ever showed any interest in adopting him, and he therefore became a permanent resident, Boneco is the living proof that even with severe deformities or disabilities, a dog can be a great companion , and have a very happy life, if only he is offered a chance!

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